The Ark

In the valley of roses

task: Building an ark for the "Kinder-Gipfel 1993" in Stuttgart
location: Built in the Wilhelma, erected in the valley of roses, height park Killesberg

client: Association "Natur-Kindergipfel 1993":

WWF Deutschland; Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart; IGA Expo `93
Deutsches Komitee für UNICEF; Ringier Verlag GmbH, München
Stiftung Naturschutzfonds beim Ministerium Ländlicher Raum Baden - Württemberg

construction costs: 95.000,- €

cooperations: About 500 kids from stuttgart and environs

elements: steel frame covered with reed sheaf, mosaics on cement sheets, ceramics

feature: 1991: 1. "Natur - Kindergipfel2 in Frankfurt topics: environment, future, the kids´rights, this was the day, the children wished to build an ark for the "Natur-Kindergipfel 1993"
1993: 2. "Natur - Kindergipfel" in Stuttgart
topics: animals, the ark was a symbol for childlike hope for a better world, which would be only possible with teamwork.
1995: 3." Natur - Kindergipfel" in Berlin
topics: the kids´rights. The promises, the adults made 1993 were here verified, new fears were expressed, more wishes came up. The ark is the resulting contract between children and adults about the future.
1997: In november, the ark was moved to an aftercare clinic for children with cancer. It gives the children more courage, to look forward into the future confidently.