
task: Skecth of the outdoor space of the extension, the production of a well, art as an event, vanishing point, hope, imagination, provokation of the senses, sketch-production as a social process. Lotos as a symbol for purity.

location: Prison for women, Herlikoferstraße 19, 73527 Schwäbisch Gmünd 

clients: Staatliches Hochbauamt Schwbisch Gmünd, Oberfinanzdirektion Stuttgart

construction costs: 55.000,-.

cooperations: Peter Sturm, basket-maker, Friederike Pawlik, Kindergarten teacher

elements: august-oktober 84, Entwurf

                  january 86, ice-building-project in the inner courtyard to meet each other

                  november 86, planting of a living willow arbour

                  january-february 87, building 3 chicken-cages made out of willow and reed

                  march 87, garden beds, planting sunflowers

                  may 87, building a model of the well M = 1:5

                  september-oktober 87,  building the well

                  Until 1995 taking care of the willow arbour

feature: Development of the sketch and building the well togehter with the women from prison

publications: OFD - Nachrichten 4/87; Kunst an staatlichen Bauten Baden-Württemberg, 1980-95