Youth centre Wangen Gateway building

Youth centre Wangen

task:  Building a huge gateway entrance at the end of Eybacherstraße to the youth centre area. Influences of different cultures with the asylum seekers from Iran, Iraq and many other countries.

process: December 1985-january 1986, planning june-september 1986, 2-winged gateway (iran miniatures and poems by Hafis) may-september 1988, towers and bridge, may-june 90, calendar

performers: 25 youngsters from youth centre, 8 young asylum seekers from Iran, 17 young asylum seekers from Afrika, 6 young asylum seekers from Asia, 3 young asylum seekers from Europe,5-people-buildinggroup from youth centre e.V. (job creation scheme), 3 architecture students

location: Youth centre Wangen, Eybacherstraße

client: Stuttgarter youth centre e.V.

construction costs: 45.000,- €

cooperations: emplyment office, AG Dritte Welt e.V.

elements: towers, bridge, ceramics, spiral staircase, 2 gateway wings made out of steel

prizes:1991, Auszeichnung Stadtbildwettbewerb Stuttgart, 1994, architecture prize "Bauen und Gestalten mit Klinkern"