Via Romana


Public space in Stuttgart–Rot

task: With city-designing measures a fight should be calmed, which is caused by the existence of drunk men in public space between the residence hall for poor people (IGH) and the Ernst-Abbe-School (EAS), a school for blind people. A workinggroup of the "Social city"(Vertreter der Stadtverwaltung, des Stadtteilmanagements, der EAS, des IGH, der ev. Gesellschaft, der Polizei, der Wohnbaugesellschaft und Nachbarn) helped the architect by doing his work.

location: Public space, ca. 2000qm

client: Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, a project of the „Sozialen Stadt Zuffenhausen-Rot", LOS-Projects.

construction costs: 290.000,-€

cooperation: Lehrlingsabteilung Garten-, Friedhofs- und Forstamt Stuttgart, Ernst-Abbe-Schule, Robert-Mayer-Schule, Stadtteiltreff Oase, Nikolauspflege, Christoph-Ulrich-Hahn-Haus, Uni Stuttgart. Kunstakademie und andere

elements: Meeting point with chess set, artistic decorated gateway, terraces, new school-logo, enhancement of an by drunk people occupied place

feature: In many planning workshops, the pupils, the men and the neighbours got possibilities to tackle with the situation, to express their thaughts and feelings and produce building elements for their project. The results wer essentials for the plan.

prizes: Sonderanerkennung beim Preis „Die Soziale Stadt“ 2006
2. Preis des beo – Wettbewerbs der Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg für die Guckkästen für die Robert-Mayer-Schule.